Education - The Only Cure For Cancer
The internet has so much information that at times it feels like information overload! I think once you've searched for a couple of instinctively know from first glance, which sites are going to be helpful for you and which ones are just going to spout the same things that your conventional physician is telling you. The ones that do the spouting, are the ones I immediately dismiss.
So in my search, not only for perhaps future reference for myself, but also to drop whatever information I can should one of my diagnosed siblings care to check them out....I've come across this information.....which not only has numerous testimonials from actual people who have used alternative methods (and there's a ton of them)....but will also arm you with the information you need to start attacking your own cancer growth if you've been diagnosed with it.
Now I don't know about you, but if I'm going to try therapies to cure/arrest a disease, I would like to know what helped other people that had the same thing....and what the success rate was. One pertinent question I think everyone who has been diagnosed should ask their doctor is if he would go through the treatments he's perscribing for you.....chances are (if he answered honestly), he would not! You've already read that Dr. Lorraine Day would not, because the numbers in the survival column did not warrant what the treatments/surgery were going to do to her body! (Dr. Lorraine Day, M.D.)
I just wish I could get my younger brother to give this information a serious look....I truly believe he would fair better with it than what he's going to be going through with conventional medicine. He doesn't start radiation treatments for another 3-4 weeks......and I bet he doesn't even know that there's a "natural" chemo treatment that he could use instead of the standard method!
Nothing that conventional doctors say could make me believe that destroying your immune system is a good thing!
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