Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The "Easy" Road To Cancer Treatment

I've yet to understand, after reading numerous medical reports on the "cure rates" of conventional medical treatments for cancer, how anyone could decide to take that route. I believe that the only explanation can be that it is the easiest way to deal with a cancer diagnosis.

Stop and think about it...after diagnosis, going by the options from the mainstream medical industry...you subject yourself to surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments. There's loss of hair and appetite, being tired during the whole process, destruction of your immune system, and a host of other side affects. All told, going by this precarious method of treatment, hopefully at the end of one or two years, the cancer is no longer found in your system.

On the other hand, if you had to adjust your eating habits, exercise, and make changes to your environment and normal everyday products...perhaps for the rest of your lifetime...the 1-2 years of conventional therapy and treatments, is a cake walk, right?

What most people fail to understand is that even though they take the easiest way, and even if two years down the road after the treatments, tests show that you no longer have cancer...that doesn't mean if you don't adjust your living and eating habits that cancer is not going to re-appear in some other part of your body! I can attest to this happening in most instances just from my family alone!

Remember that there are some types of cancer that have only a 15 percent 5 year survival rate (oral cancer being one of them). And a 5 years survival rate where you have half of that time feeling tired, sick, and hairless...is not quality of life.

If my survival rate is going to be less than 2-3 years, I'm going to take my chances with dietary adjustments before I let them slash and burn me so that I'm so ill, I can't enjoy what time I purportedly have left. Many people who have chosen to take this route rather than go with what their doctors suggested, are alive today to tell about it. It's not hard to find many documented cases on the internet that supports this theory, and many are willing to discuss it with you, either via email or phone contact.

But the plain truth is...poor dietary choices are what caused the problem and good dietary choices for the rest of your life is what's needed to ensure you continue to live! Most people just don't want to give up the junk food, junk beverages, sugar, white flour, preservatives, TV dinners, etc. You have to remember, at one time, we didn't have all these convenience foods available. It's only been since they have become available, that the cancer rate has risen.

Perhaps it's past time for people to start to get back to basics. Growing up in a large family, we ate what was on our plate...period. Vegetables and all! Microwaved TV dinners with a few carrots or peas, is not a healthy choice. There's a reason why fresh, raw vegetables are to be eaten. Our bodies require them in order to do all the processes it does for ridding our body of all hosts of toxins and bad bacteria. Without those vegetables, not only are you becoming nutritionally deficient in vitamins, but you are also not getting the numerous enzymes you need for absorption of those vital vitamins.

We use to have "good" milk that had no additional hormones in them. Since they are now injecting most cows with hormones in order to get higher production rates out of them, those hormones are now passed on to us through the milk we or our children drink. Is it any wonder young girls are starting ministration as young as nine years old? And some researchers are also beginning to think that the hormones in milk contributes to the number of breast cancers found each year from the increased estrogen women receive by drinking it.

Get dairy, most red meats, sugar and white flour out of your diet. Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables. Take pollutants out of your environment, exercise, and drink lots of "good" water--for LIFE! The hard way of living without cancer? Perhaps. But I believe if more people applied themselves to one to two months of adjusting their eating habits to a more healthy one, they would probably stick with it just because they felt 100 percent better!

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