Review: Cancer - Step Outside The Box

One of the best books I have read on the subject of cancer, it's causes, and how to address treating it in the least harmful way to your body (no chemotherapy or radiation). In my search for answers, due to three siblings in the last few years being diagnosed with the disease, I've read numerous information sites on the internet and have purchased several books to become more knowledgeable on this subject.
I've read Kevin Trudeau's book, the Budwig diet, the information on Essiac tea (I've actually helped my sister prepare this), vitamin B17 (laetrile), all the nutritional information I could get my hands on in support of preventing this disease...and I have found this book to be one of the best in supplying all this information in one place.
You will also read why your cells turn into "bad" cells and how they proliferate. Like it or not, your diet and environment have a lot to do with it and most people do very little in adjusting either one of these things once they've been diagnosed. Very few mainstream physicians ever make suggestions of adjusting your diet either and that's probably due to the vast majority of them not having been educated in that being the cause of most diseases. They are educated to treat the disease once it occurs...not on how to prevent it. Unfortunately, that whole education is based on remedies from the drug companies.
Cancer - Step Outside of the Box addresses all of the problems of why we are treated with the mainstream drugs, as well as, the steps you can take to save yourself. Some of the natural remedies do still require a doctor to monitor your progress and if you choose to use those types of remedies, you will still have to find a physician to assist you. It is ultimately your choice. There are references to direct you on the path to finding the right physicians and alternative medicine people that will be able to lead in the proper alternatives for your type of cancer.
It's a whopping 400 pages of information that every cancer patient or person who has a loved one diagnosed with this disease should read. There have been critics of this book who have said that the author, although mentioning the number of family members he has lost, never says whether they tried any of these solutions. They have also criticized the "lack" of editing and the number of typos and grammatical errors.
I find that to be of little consequence...the main information is what's important. The life you could save by reading this book, could be your own!
Cancer - Step Outside of the Box
Labels: alternative medicine, breast cancer, cancer, cancer books, cancer information, cancer natural remedies, cancer stages, colon cancer treatments, health and nutrition, stages cancer
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