Monday, October 29, 2007

Taking Control Of More Than Your Cancer Health

For all those interested in taking control of your health in general, whether it's flu symptoms that you are experiencing, fungus problems, skin moles, etc., I felt that everyone should know that there are safer ways (and cheaper), to treat most common ailments without going to a physician and paying exorbitant prices.

I've used some of the natural remedies found on this site and can personally attest to using cayenne pepper for strep throat. My whole household went through a bout of this last winter, passing it from one member to another.

My daughter and son-in-law used prescription drugs from their physician to deal with their's and I logged onto this site for my remedy. I'm not a big fan of extremely "hot" spices, but I can tell you that my strep throat was gone the very next day! I was amazed, and I continued to watch my daughter and son-in-law take their meds for another two or three days.

The other remedy I used was the apple cider vinegar for a sinus infection. I had never had one before, but my daughter has always been prone to get them every year. So when I came down with one, she was immediately able to tell me what I had.

Again, going to the above web site and looking up sinus infections led me to my cupboard and I pulled out the apple cider vinegar. I only had the common grocery store kind and it worked fine. Using a bowl and a large towel, I poured a mix of one part vinegar and one part water that I heated in the microwave. I proceeded to place the towel over my head and over the hot bowl so that I breathed in the steam.

Keep your eyes closed while doing this and slowly inhale and exhale for at least five minutes. I did this procedure once in the morning and once in the evening. the next day there was an immense improvement. My head was no longer stuffed up and my sinuses were draining beautifully. Exactly two days, and I was feeling my old self again.

By the way, organic apple cider vinegar added to 16 oz. of spring/distilled water (1-2 tsps.) is great for balancing your body's pH levels. If your body is too acidic (from all the processed foods we consume), you are a good candidate for cancer! Cancer cells do not multiply in a body that has a balanced pH.

To test your pH, just pick up some pH test strips at your local health food store or pharmacy.


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