Thursday, January 17, 2008

H2O and Cancer

This actually should have been one of my first posts, due to it's importance. Our bodies are comprised of 75 percent water. Our brains consist of 85 percent water. There are more illnesses caused by dehydration than any other deficiency. One of the first things they do when you are admitted to a hospital is administer an IV. What's in that IV? Water and salt which is called "saline solution".

Your water intake while you are fighting cancer (or preventing it) is vitally important. Not just any water water with chlorine and fluoride is not a good choice. If you are detoxing or taking supplements to fight this disease, you need to assist your body and the minerals and vitamins you are taking to "flush" the bad cells out by keeping your body hydrated.

Half of your body weight in ounces of water is a good recommendation. If you're not currently a water drinker...proceed with a plan of gradually increasing your water intake to the recommended level. All sodas, coffee, and any drink with caffeine should be eliminated. Caffeine dehydrates.

If you find that you are releasing water as fast as you are taking it in, then your cells don't have the time to absorb the water. Adding some natural sea salt (about 1/8-1/4 tsp. per 16 oz. of water), should help you retain it longer. You should be retaining it for 90-120 minutes for good absorption into the cells.

Once you are no longer dehydrated, you will find a significant difference in how you feel and look, your body doesn't have to work as hard to expel toxins and bad cells, you think clearer, breathe easier and a whole host of other benefits will be your reward.

Fighting cancer is not an easy process when you're use to today's lifestyle, but it is do-able. Being hydrated should be one of your first steps.

Read more about the other illnesses dehydration causes at WaterCure2, a very informative site with many references and testimonies from people who turned around their illness with hydration alone.

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