MMS And Detoxing
The product is called MMS and is proving to be very effective towards all kinds of ailments. It was originally used in Africa to cure malaria by Jim Humble. The malaria patients were usually cured within 24 hours of being administered one dose. Severe cases sometimes took two doses.
They have also had some pretty good results in administering it to AIDS patients in Africa. These have been patients that conventional medicine has given up these cases, they figured, "What the heck...I've nothing to lose." Sixty percent of the AIDS patients were able to return to normal life after being given high doses of the MMS. That's not too bad for people who were given up on entirely by conventional medicine.
The results for cancer victims have not yet been seen. They have had reports of some success with prostate cancer but feel most people are not reporting there successes because once they get well, they are too busy living happy lives to take the time to report back on their results. There is a video on YouTube that has a gentleman who successfully stopped his prostate cancer three years ago. He has now been diagnosed with lung cancer and has started taking the recommended higher dosage to combat that and feels confident he will succeed.
What is MMS? It's sodium chlorite that when activated by using a citric acid (such as lemon or lime juice), produces a chemical called chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide is a totally different chemical than just "chlorine", so don't start thinking you're going to be ingesting a poisonous chemical.
Chlorine dioxide has been found to be more effective against viruses, bacteria, and protozoa than chlorine. "Chlorine dioxide can be used to kill "disease-bearing bacteria, yeasts, molds, fungi and algae", including MRSA and other deadly pathogens."
It is completely safe to ingest and is very beneficial in removing toxins, bacteria, viruses, and fungi from your entire body. The really great part is when it comes in contact with these substances, it instantaneously "bursts", kills the bad guys and your body flushes it all out! If there are no bad guys, no problem, it does absolutely no harm to any "good guys" in your system. It will then just boost your immune system by changing to another product that your body needs.
Now the side affects....none! Well, if you are currently sick with anything, you're probably going to get sicker due to the MMS doing it's job. This includes diarrhea, nausea, possible vomiting, etc. That's all good...because it is proof that it's doing it's job!
If you don't really have an illness but want to rid these things out of your body, just do smaller doses so that it doesn't make you nauseous. The protocol and step by step instructions as well as other links to testimonies can be found at:
Miracle Mineral
There's also a link for you to download the first part of Mr. Humble's book all about this product. If you want the second part that gives more detail of other illnesses (other than malaria) that it has been used for...there is a small charge of $9.95 for the ebook. You can get it in print for $19.95 plus s/h. He makes no money from the actual product.
Labels: body cleanse, cancer, chlorine dioxide, detox, fungus, miracle mineral, MMS, parasites, prostate cancer, sodium chlorite, virus, whole body cleanse
Alot of this MMS data concerns me that recomendations made could be dangerous. Fistly 28% NaclO2 which MMS is is a hazchem product and should be marked accordingly and transported accordingly. 28% NaClO2 has 168,000 ppm of available chlorine dioxide, thats right 168,000 and when activated with citric you produce 20% of the available Chlorine Dioxide with a residuale of chlorous acid so you still produce 33,600 ppm of free chlorine dioxide (Hence the ClO2 gas comming of when mixing.). I specilize in antimicrobial intervention programs using chlorine dioxide and acidified sodium chlorite technologies. We treat town water at 0.8 ppm free ClO2, swimming pools for crypto and giardia etc at 3ppm free ClO2, fesh produce, meat and seafood at 5 to 10 ppm of free ClO2. And if you want to know what it is doing to your insides at the strenghs recomended by MMS remember your gut contains HCL (Hydrochloric acid). HCL is used commercialy to activate NaClO2 to produce 100% of the available Chlorine Dioxide. So take the 18 drops of MMS and add 18 drops of HCL to them and watch, BUT DO NOT USE OR INHALE FUMES.
Although this is not a procedure I have yet used (I intend to try it), no where in the literature is it recommended that you start with 18 drops of the solution. The suggestion is to start with 1 or 2 drops and if you get nauseous, cut your next dose in half. This is also not recommended for long term usage. I am not a chemist or physicist...but Mr. Humbel has worked in these areas for a good number of years. Perhaps you could contact him at his web site and receive a more scientific answer than what I am able to give you.
You may also want to view the many testimonials at and many other sites.
A Dr. Lee Hesselink, M.D. also has posted a scientific paper on the subject and it can be read at
There are many other reports of it's efficacy in Mr. Humbel's book (part 2). As with anything you are going to self-administer, caution is, of course, advised. A constant detox using any method is not advisable, but following a set proven protocol, has health benefits.
Everyone be aware:
MMS product is a dangerous hazchem Industrial strength chemical and should NOT be taken orally or injected.
Jim Humble and Adam Abraham are cons and bogus frauds with no knowlage of what they are talking about.
Sellers and distributors of MMS product should be aware they are selling an illigaly labled chemical that must be accompanied by a material saftey data sheet and transported as dangerous goods. It has no approvals anywhere in the world for the applications they recomend and is proven with lab tests to cause health problems.
Put my blogs back with all information Adam and let people judge for yourself.
You are a documented LIAR and con man.
Please be civil. Your posts on this blog will remain (thus far), so that people will take the time to investigate for themselves, but I will not tolerate further name calling and abusive language. If you can back up your posts with reports of the ill affects (following the protocols suggested), then I would be more than happy to have them on this blog for other people to see. Too often in our society, the mainstream uses scare tactics for medical solutions and people take them for fact (which they aren't). I wish only to bring information to people that could possibly help and it is up to them to make the final decision of what they do with that information.
Why are you addressing "Adam" on this blog? I will assume he will not see it here...and, no, I do not know him personally. If you have a "bone to pick" with him, do not use this blog to do it!
Present comments will stand, but further ranting and fear mongering without reports to back up what you're expressing, will be removed.
Thank you.
I'm not doubting ClO2 properties, just those who don't understand it and it's activation.
Following is more info.
To back up my views on concentration of NaClO2, i have contacted US Department of Transport (DOT), and it is the same world wide.
United States Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations require that sodium chlorite solutions containing greater than 5% NaClO2 carry a corrosive label.
DOT make exemption for some chemicals in small quantaties, but only to 1oz and chlorite sollutions are not included in this exemption.
This means MMS should carry a danger red diamond, have a caution lable containing “Keep out of reach of children”,UN 1908, CORROSIVE 8, HAZCHEM 2X and PG11, none of which are on there. They were appaled to realise bottles containing 55 oz were being express posted as well as bulk orders of 4 oz bottles, in dozens (48 oz) and even bulk of 100 4oz (400 oz).
MMS can not be posted or express posted as it is by distributors, to quote DOT they are breaking the law. This can be verified at the web site below
Come some one has to take notice of lableing issue and take resonability, as well as the OH&S and laws regarding transport.
I also still stand by notes on activation, who want’s to take that resposability. Activate with citric, lemon juice, vinigar, wash down with jiuce. The difference in activation of NaClO2 in just these procedures is from 20% release of free ClO2 to 75% release of free ClO2
I took 5 drops of MMS, 5 drops = 0.7 ml of 168,000 ppm available ClO2, (Dilluting my 50 % citric activator 5 times to make it 10%) and added 30 drops = 4ml. the sollution turned slightly yellow and I knew straight away I have released free clO2 in a quantity to large for my colorphotometor to read. (ClO2 to 100ppm of free Clo2 will not be seen to change color to the naked eye). But I did a reading anyway and it was of the scale, so well over 1000ppm which my tester does to.
And this is supposed to be taken @ 1 ppm of free Clo2.
Lamotte sell chlorine dioxide test strips, people can buy them and test what they are doing themselves.
Interesting to note similar products,
Oxydrops is 5% NaclO2
NACLO is 4% NaClO2.
neighther making claims of activation for their product with one even stating do not wash down with juices that are acidic.
But both claiming same healing properties with a safe nonhazchem product.
J. Martin, I appologise if I offended you or your readers with comment's in my blog. It was due to frustration and talking the power brokers of MMS to get them to understand, but to no avail. Well maybe, hopefully.
ClO2 is my business (For last 10 years)and my passion. In no way do I dispute it's power.
But it is a hydrogen gas and use strengths and activation are of the upmost inportantance, especialy when it comes to using to much.
I note with Intersest when people became nausius and had diohorhia it was explained as detoxing, I can tell you from many personal experiance it is from toxicity. You seem wise and educated judging by your comments, a constant detox is not advisable.
Your are right, you can knock the immune system out, ClO2 is the most powerfull antimicrobial agent known to man and will knock out the good with the bad, and I would recomend probiotics (yakult) to put some of the good back.
Anyway please accept my appology once again, and I am happy to supply any technical or product support you require.
Bruce Crighton
General Manager
Biosafe Technologies P/L
Humble is one confused man. He brags about his magic chemical killing HIV. Then on his website under HIV questions he tells a man that HIV does not cause AIDS.He says it is harmless!Then he tells him to quit his antiretrovirals immediately, because this is whats causing his AIDS! This man with the miracle chemical for HIV, is himself an HIV denier. Hypocrite, they both can`t be true.
Hmmmmm, I do not know what to think yet. I must say I find this discussion very interesting and will certainly do more research into this topic. I am inclined to distrust anything that is recommended by any mainstream authorities seeing that my children are autistic (caused by government recommended -CDC, FDA- and approved vaccinations)and seeing that 70% of groceries we find in the USA and Canadian supermarkets contain GMO. Many international studies point into the direction that GMO can cause CANCER and will certainly set our immune system into high gear because it doesn't recognize genetically altered foods. Of course these groceries are unlabeled (unlike in Europe) and so we really do not have a choice but to be used as guinea pigs.
Seems like some people here are pharmaceutical lobbyists. Thousands of lives saved to backup MMS as a cure for many diseases... Go get your swine flu shots you jerks.
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