Friday, February 17, 2006

A "Banned" Cure For Cancer

Doesn't it seem odd that through all of our technology and advances in science and medicine, that there has not been any forthcoming news on a cancer cure.....or one that you've heard of anyways in the mainstream newspapers or nightly news programs that you watch?

Do you realize that such a thing been discovered....and many years ago! The only problem is that it is not "allowed" in most countries by their regulatory organizations. Amazing isn't it?

I'm going to ask you to do your own research on B17 (banned in the USA) and find out for yourself. There's a lot of research that has covered this little's a vitamin, something that can't be regulated by the FDA (yet!)....therefore, big business would not be able to make a huge profit off of it. Never mind the benefits to millions of people who have been diagnosed with cancer!

The has a natural cyanide in it....therefore, they don't want people using it (forget about it being a type of cyanide that your body can handle, and that it only attacks cancer cells!). Yet, they keep plugging all the drugs and therapies that have a ton more opportunity for damaging your body (chemo and radiation) and have less positive results for lengthening your stay on this planet!

Just to let you know, there are a few places in the world where you can get this treatment.....Mexico and Australia, and believe me, many people have decided to take these trips over using conventional medical practices. I personally applaud these facilities for making this alternative the only problem is....getting the information to the masses!

In the meantime, to help prevent cancer, make sure you include this vitamin in your daily regimen for prevention the research, it's out there!


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