Thursday, April 27, 2006

And You Thought They Had Your Best Interest At Heart!

Nothing makes me angrier than to find "proof" that the conventional medical society will treat people with cancer....not by what's best for their condition.....but by what's best for the good ol' wallet!

Read the information posted is just incredible that it can be proven that the oncologists are selecting treatments based on what's going to get them more money....not on what's going to work the best for this particular patient and this particular cancer!

I keep preaching....make sure you are the one taking your health decisions in your own hands.....and don't let them sway you if, through your own research, you don't go with the treatment they want to give you. It is your life and it's up to you to do the research. They obviously know more answers through their studies, but they obviously can decide to have you go through a treatment based on their pocketbook only!!

With having two siblings going through recent cancer treatments...this has just got my goat really bad!!

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