Friday, March 24, 2006


Dr. David A. Edwards practices Comprehensive Integrative Cancer Care Bio Health Center in Reno, Nevada. In addition to providing Homeopathic Integrative modalities for the actual cancer, comprehensive care can also be used as supplemental ("adjuvant") therapy along with conventional cancer treatments. Comprehensive Integrative Cancer therapy also includes evaluation and counseling on Nutrition for support of the immune system, and techniques from Mind-Body Medicine for healing of the body, the mind, and the deeper dimensions of Being. All of this makes up comprehensive cancer care.

Comprehensive Cancer Care is a recent innovation in cancer treatment incorporating:

  1. Homeopathic Integrative Modalities for treating or as adjuvant treatment for the cancer
  2. Nutritional support of Immune Function
  3. Mind-Body Medicine for focused Self-Healing.

The National Cancer Institute has acknowledged a combined treatment approach.

Homeopathic Integrative Modalities

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