Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hidden Cancer Treatments

The more and more information I uncover about therapies that are out there but not available to the patient that need it.....the more upset I get with our society.

Stop and keep asking yourself....why are we being "contained" this way. Why is this information not given to us freely for us to decide what to do with it? Only through your own research will you find and "believe" that there is a method to this madness! As the saying goes "Follow the money.", and therein, lies your answer.

Here is a helpful site that not only discusses the cancer information that is being buried that was reported in the Australia news, but many other issues that affect you. Understand that this site is maintained by someone who has worked for the government and has first hand experience on the lengths that are taken to stop you from receiving this information and why.

Click on the link in the left-hand menu "Cover-ups in News" and see what's happening in your world today.


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