Now that my brother's treatments have been scheduled and he's had time to settled into a routine and actually think about what they are going to be doing to him.....I think he's actually starting to comtemplate that there could be other avenues he can take along with the conventional medicine. Woohoo....progress! At least he's entertaining the idea!
A few good books I think anyone who is fighting cancer needs to educate themselves:
Cure The Incurable
The Detox Book
Natural Health Natural Medicine
And last but not least: For those that have not yet subjected themselves to Chemotherapy....please educate yourself by reading:
Questioning Chemotherapy
- By Ralph W. Moss - Puts a whole new spin on whether you should be submitting your body to this type of treatment to fight cancer. According to Mr. Moss, if you ask the "right" questions of your oncologist, he should be able to tell you that going through this radical attack on your immune system, will only net you another 2-3% more survival rate over the rate of radiation therapy! I personally don't believe that is a big enough percentage to warrant possibly destroying your immune system, but most patients will blindly do what their doctor says to do, and don't know what pertinent questions to ask before going into these radical treatments.
Educate yourself, people!!! Take control and become a part of your own healing. Contrary to popular belief....conventional doctors don't know everything!
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