Clean Out The Cancer Causing Sludge!
My brother with colon cancer has not been fairing well since his operation. Although they have reconnected everything and they told him it would be six months before he would be back to normal....that hasn't happened (surprised!....I'm not!).
He's afraid to go too far from a bathroom for fear of having an accident! Now they have him on perscription medication to "prevent" him from going to the bathroom so that he is able to perform his job! Then he takes another pill to counteract that pill to make his bowels move. Ludicrous if you ask me!
The bottom line is the doctors lied! When we asked him when he was going to seek other advice, his response was "I want this doctor to fix it. He's the one who told me everything would be working properly....he's the one who needs to fix it!" The problem with that is: What if "he" doesn't know how to? sister who has been through breast cancer (twice), also had cancer show up on her thyroid and had to have that removed. She appears to be doing okay and her voice has changed....but at least she can talk, walk, and not need to be chained to bathroom facilities all the time.
Add to that one more: My youngest sister was diagnosed with breast cancer two months ago and underwent a lumpectomy. I, being the good sibling that I am, tried to steer her towards other options of post-surgery protocols....such as natural products that would help her rather than going through chemo (destroys the immune system) and radiation.
Of course, the medical industry put a scare in her and she went with their treatments. She is currently shopping for a wig for the hair loss and will not return to her job until all the treatments are complete (after December).
One thing I will add here is that not one of my siblings has changed their way of eating. I think it is vital that they start to learn what they are putting into their system by buying too much of the processed foods that we have in our grocery stores, along with the enviromentally bad exposures that we've become accustomed to.
I think it is vital in today's world that everyone do a colon cleanse quarterly to clean out all the "junk" that gets plastered to our bowels from what has become our "normal" diets. So as to not disrupt your lifestyle too much, a three day cleanse would be the minimum.
It makes absolutely no sense to try and supplement your vitamin intake with good quality vitamins unless your body is going to be able to process what your taking. If your body is filled with old decaying matter (sorry for being blunt), it is not going to be able to assimilate any of the good stuff that you decide to put it in...that's just the facts!
So remove the old junk with a colon cleanse followed by a liver cleanse. Add some digestive enzymes to get your digestive track working properly, and you're on your way to correcting a lot of your health problems.
Another suggestion would be to make sure you get all and any of the bright colored fruits and vegetables into your diet. If you're unable to get fresh, unadulterated produce from your supermarket, the next best thing is buying the numerous dried formulas they have available at most health-food stores.
Most of these formulas, with one serving, give you the equivalent of six servings of fruits or vegetables and come in flavors that make them easy to swallow. Just be sure that they are all natural with no additives.
I will be making recommendations in future posts of the best places to get these formulas at the best price.
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