Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sister's And Brother's Cancer Update

At least I have a "little" good news in regards to my sister having both breasts removed. When she talked to her doctor about the procedure, he explained to her that at this time she was in no imminent danger and he felt that she should take the time to research this more before making a decision. (Hooray for one doctor!) So, for now, that's exactly what she is going to do (big sigh of relief here). Here radiation treatments have started and it looks like she's doing okay, all things considered.

My brother, after his recent surgery, also appears to functioning okay with the colostomy back in place. Again, he's been told that it will be at least six months before they can even reconsider a new surgery for reconnecting everything...and even then it's all going to depend on how well he healed whether that will even be an option. He is also, at this point, going to seek other opinions (better late then never I guess), and look into alternatives. He feels that perhaps with a different set of doctors looking at his health problems from different angles, perhaps a better outcome could be achieved.

Please note that in both cases above, none of the doctors have talked about lifestyle changes! Both sisters who had breast cancer, as well as my brother, were overweight. My brother is no longer because he's lost 100 lbs. since his procedures began! No he looks very thin, emaciated, and dehydrated! All of them have had very poor eating habits. It has been scientifically proven that being overweight has a direct impact on cancer developing. Not to mention the quality of the foods they have ingested over the years. My brother rarely ate fruits and vegetables and drank a lot of soda. The sister currently going through radiation has relied on a diet mainly of sugar and starches with very little fruits and vegetables.

The sister with two breast cancers and thyroid cancer, has implemented a variety of fruits and vegetables, purified water (both in the kitchen and the shower), and other healthier choices, but has yet to give up on the starches, sugars, and caffeine.

When fighting this disease, you can't approach it with just "one toe" in the process. You have to commit to changing your lifestyle. Eliminating those agents that are known to cause cancer and implementing healthier choices (the right foods, exercise, less stress, proper sleep so your body can heal itself, and good hydration) is the only way you are going to stop the mechanisms that trigger cancer to begin with.


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