Cancer and Drugs
Now the one that did quit taking them, has noticed NO difference in how she feels and has not had an increase in menopause symptoms! Doesn't that make you go, hmmmm? Why were they prescribed for her in the first place? I would think any doctor who knew you had a family history of cancer, and then prescribed a drug that increased that chance of coming down with it, would be a doctor that did not have my best interest at heart (only his pocket), and I would drop him as my physician immediately!
She has made it a point to watch her diet and make sure she gets the essential vitamins (along with additional ones for her age). Her and my brother-in-law were the first in the family to start researching natural remedies and vitamin supplimentation for optimum health and disease prevention.
Now I'll let you in on a little secret about the pharmaceutical companies.....they don't want you using any natural alternative remedies/treatments, and they don't care about your health and welfare!
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, back in 2002, petitioned the FDA to restrict access to natural alternatives. Why, you may ask? Because their synthetic hormone drugs were found to increase breast cancer, blod clots, heart attacks and strokes and the sales of that product took a nose dive in sales! If they lose! You will no longer have the choice to use a safe alternative over one that the drug companies say is best for you!
I don't know about you....but that is scarey! To think that if I come down with cancer, I will not be able to use what nature has supplied as a way to treat it, because the drug companies say so! This is exactly what happened with vitamin B17 that I mentioned in one of my earlier posts. When and if, a cancer attacks my body.....I, and I alone, will decide how to treat it! That's why it's imperative that you support the doctors and clinics that offer these alternative therapies. If enough people frequent them...then and only then, will our standard medical society take note and embrace the concept that their is additional knowledge out there that can also support the medical community and they than can work together in the best interest of each individual!
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